Kensington Gastroenterology - Dr. Ilmars Lidums,MBBS, PhD, FRACP - Gastroenterologist Your Practice Online
46 Kensington Road, Rose Park SA 5067
Kensington Gastroenterology - Dr. Ilmars Lidums,MBBS, PhD, FRACP - Gastroenterologist : (08) 8331 3373
Endoscopy - Kensington Gastroenterology - Dr. Ilmars Lidums, MBBS, PhD, FRACP - Gastroenterologist
Colonoscopy - Kensington Gastroenterology - Dr. Ilmars Lidums, MBBS, PhD, FRACP - Gastroenterologist
Capsule Endoscopy - Kensington Gastroenterology - Dr. Ilmars Lidums, MBBS, PhD, FRACP - Gastroenterologist
Capsule Endoscopy - Kensington Gastroenterology - Dr. Ilmars Lidums, MBBS, PhD, FRACP - Gastroenterologist
Capsule Endoscopy enables your doctor to examine the small intestine. Your doctor will use a vitamin-pill sized video capsule that has its own camera and light source.
Capsule Endoscopy - Kensington Gastroenterology - Dr. Ilmars Lidums, MBBS, PhD, FRACP - Gastroenterologist
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Bowel Preparation for Colonoscopy

Picoprep 3 Morning Procedure

The aim of this preparation is to clean out the large bowel completely of both solid and liquid motion so that the lining of your colon can be examined effectively. To achieve this you will need to obtain three Picoprep 15.5g sachets from your chemist. Picoprep usually produces diarrhoea within 3 hours.

If you are taking iron tablets cease these 5 days before your colonoscopy but continue to take other medications.

Morning Colonoscopy - PicoprepClick here to know more about Morning Colonoscopy - Picoprep.

Picoprep 3 Afternoon Procedure

The aim of this preparation is to clean out the large bowel completely of both solid and liquid motion so that the lining of your colon can be examined effectively. To achieve this you will need to obtain three Picoprep 15.5g sachets from your chemist. Picoprep usually produces diarrhoea within 3 hours.

If you are taking iron tablets cease these 5 days before your colonoscopy but continue to take other medications.

Afternoon Colonoscopy - PicoprepClick here to know more about Afternoon Colonoscopy - Picoprep.

Morning Colonoscopy – Colonlytely

The aim of this preparation is to clean out the large bowel completely of both solid and liquid motion so that the lining of your colon can be examined effectively. To achieve this you will need to obtain 4 litres Colonlytely (4 sachets) from your chemist. Colonlytely usually produces diarrhoea within 1-3 hours.

Colonoscopy Preparation - ColonlytelyClick here to know more about Morning Colonoscopy - Colonlytely.

Afternoon Colonoscopy – Colonlytely

The aim of this preparation is to clean out the large bowel completely of both solid and liquid motion so that the lining of your colon can be examined effectively. To achieve this you will need to obtain 4 litres Colonlytely (4 sachets) from your chemist. Colonlytely usually produces diarrhoea within 1-3 hours.

Colonoscopy Preparation - ColonlytelyClick here to know more about Afternoon Colonoscopy - Colonlytely.

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© Dr. Ilmars Lidums MBBS PhD FRACP Gastroenterologist Kensington Gastroenterology Rose Park SA

The University of Adelaide Burnside Hospital GESA - Gastroenterological Society of Australia Calvary Wakefield Hospital North Eastern Community Hospital (NECH) AMA - Australian Medical Association The Royal Australasian College of Physicians